Red Phone Booth Takes Cigar Enjoyment to the Next Level

Red Phone Booth has become an Atlanta hotspot where cigar enthusiasts can enjoy a wide variety of blends in an exclusive atmosphere. In developing the humidor selection of 100+ labels, this upscale cigar bar prioritized quality and desirability of the cigars over quantity of any one brand, therefore continually bringing in fresh new inventory. Red Phone Booth’s house cigar, the 18th Amendment, features a Brazilian Arapirca Maduro wrapper and a savory blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers to create a dark, medium bodied cigar. Red Phone Booth offers exclusive memberships to its guests, yet customers do not have to join to enjoy the prohibition experience.  

With a strict bi-weekly maintenance schedule, air quality is a top priority at the Red Phone Booth. Extensive time, money and effort was placed to combat the smoke including  multiple large rooftop fresh-air units, micro-environment air scrubbers, and other additional temperature controlled fresh air intakes and exhausts. Red Phone Booth completely replaces the air in the space approximately every four minutes so guests can have maximum smoking enjoyment while relaxing in Italian wing back leather sofas with triple lumbar support.

“At the Red Phone Booth, it is part of our credo to exceed all guest expectations,” said Red Phone Booth Co-Founder/Operating Partner Steve de Haan.  “From the comfort of the seating to the training and knowledge of the staff as well as the quality of the air, it is all of these things and more that allow for us to deliver an unparalleled smoking experience for our guests.”

Located in the iconic Dailey’s building in downtown Atlanta, Red Phone Booth is a prohibition experience featuring not only an extensive cigar program but also a classic turn of the century craft cocktail selection. Patrons will notice the finest attention to detail that provides for exceptional cocktails including 100% fresh squeezed juices such as blood orange, mango, and cranberry, hand chipped double-reverse osmosis ice, garnishes cut to order, a collection of some of the rarest bourbon, whiskey and scotch selections available and over a dozen tinctures, bitters and flavoring agents to help breath new depth. Small plates featured include fresh seafood, carpaccio, Neapolitan pizza and house made desserts. In keeping with the speakeasy theme, guests enter by securing a secret phone number and dialing it into a restored antique London red phone booth entryway.
For interviews, photos, press kit or complimentary media visit, contact Lorrie Dixson Griggs of Eskimo Advertising at More information about Red Phone Booth, memberships and the dress code, can be found at

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